Privacy and Cookie Policy
This privacy policy sets out how this website (hereafter "the Store") uses and protects any information that you give the Store while using this website. The Store is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement. The Store may change this policy from time to time by updating this page. You should check this page from time to time to ensure that you are happy with any changes.
What we collect
Oli & Ely collects data transferred to its Customer Service via its Website or other means. When creating a customer account or placing an order, the following information is collected: full name, title, billing, shipping and email addresses, phone number, credit card information and its expiry date. This information will be used to process your order and offer you the best customer experience possible.
The information collected may also be used for certain services and functionalities related to the Oli & Ely Website (comments, online discussion forums, Customer Service requests…). Information may also be used to address commercial information such as promotions, sales, news, special offers, new Website functions and contests. You may unsubscribe from receiving our promotional offers at any time.
Unless otherwise explicitly mentioned, your personal information shall neither be used, sold, exchanged or offered to unauthorized third parties or Oli & Ely subsidiaries. Usage of your personal information will only be permitted if/when your consent is received.
Anonymous Information
During your visit to, information not directly related to your customer account are automatically collected, however, it cannot be used to identify you (“Anonymous Information”). Said data is collected for behavioural and statistical analysis as well as to track Website usage in order to continuously improve and enhance your user experience. This anonymous information may be shared with our technical partners by any means and for any reason deemed appropriate.
Use of Internet Cookies and Spyware
Usage of Spyware or other such software is not permitted via the Oli & Ely Website, information is never directly collected from your computer.
As is with most e-commerce Websites, the usage of cookies is also part of the functionalities of the Oli & Ely Website. Cookies are small files which are stored on a user’s computer by their internet browser, subject to approval unless instructed otherwise. Cookies enable the identification of existing customers when they return to the Oli & Ely Website. These cookies also help store products placed in the basket when the user leaves the Website without having to save their order, therefore optimizing the purchasing experience when they visit next. Oli & Ely recommends authorizing to store cookies in order to offer you the best user experience possible. Certain features of our Website may not function properly if the usage of cookies is not authorized.
Certain cookies may be used by other Websites to promote Oli & Ely. These cookies are beyond our control and under no circumstance covered by our Confidentiality Agreement.
List of cookies we collect
The table below lists the cookies we collect and what information they store.
Cookie Name | Cookie Description |
FORM_KEY | Stores randomly generated key used to prevent forged requests. |
PHPSESSID | Your session ID on the server. |
GUEST-VIEW | Allows guests to view and edit their orders. |
PERSISTENT_SHOPPING_CART | A link to information about your cart and viewing history, if you have asked for this. |
STF | Information on products you have emailed to friends. |
STORE | The store view or language you have selected. |
USER_ALLOWED_SAVE_COOKIE | Indicates whether a customer allowed to use cookies. |
MAGE-CACHE-SESSID | Facilitates caching of content on the browser to make pages load faster. |
MAGE-CACHE-STORAGE | Facilitates caching of content on the browser to make pages load faster. |
MAGE-CACHE-STORAGE-SECTION-INVALIDATION | Facilitates caching of content on the browser to make pages load faster. |
MAGE-CACHE-TIMEOUT | Facilitates caching of content on the browser to make pages load faster. |
SECTION-DATA-IDS | Facilitates caching of content on the browser to make pages load faster. |
PRIVATE_CONTENT_VERSION | Facilitates caching of content on the browser to make pages load faster. |
X-MAGENTO-VARY | Facilitates caching of content on the server to make pages load faster. |
MAGE-TRANSLATION-FILE-VERSION | Facilitates translation of content to other languages. |
MAGE-TRANSLATION-STORAGE | Facilitates translation of content to other languages. |
The email addresses of users subscribed to our newsletter are registered in our database. This information shall never be shared beyond Oli & Ely and its partner network. You may select to no longer receive our newsletter, at any time, using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of every newsletter.
Google Analytics
Oli & Ely uses services offered by Google Analytics to track and analyze site visitors and users. Google Analytics uses Cookies to collect anonymous information to track user’s browsing activity. Data collected by Cookies is transmitted to Google to be analyzed by Google Analytics. Oli & Ely recommends that you authorize Cookies on the website so that we may offer you the best user experience possible. Some of the Website’s features may not function properly if the use of Cookies are not authorized.
Protection of Personal Information
Oli & Ely uses the highest security measures when transferring user data to our servers in order to ensure this is performed securely. The information is archived in a protected environment that is not publicly accessible. Credit card and information related to your order is encrypted upon transaction and never appear clearly. Only authorized members of our team are allowed to access this personal data.
The SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) software is used to protect user information during data transfer. Most browsers display an icon to demonstrate a secure Website. A valid email and password are required to place an order on A new password can be administered at any time should you suspect misuse of your client account. Although Oli & Ely takes every measure possible to ensure personal information is transferred securely, it can never be fully guaranteed.
Public Areas of the Website
The Privacy Policy does not apply to comments left in the public areas of the Website.
Information Removal and Amendment
The user has the right to modify, consult or delete their personal information. This may be performed by the user directly within “My Account” or by contacting Oli & Ely customer service.
Oli & Ely cannot be held responsible for the hyperlinks on this site which direct users to external Websites or the content of these Websites. Furthermore, Oli & Ely shall in no way be held responsible for direct or indirect use that may result from gaining access to and usage of said sites. The current Privacy Policy does not apply to these Websites.
Force majeure
Some personal information may be used or revealed if required by law or good faith. Particularly in the following circumstances:
- Compliance with any legal or regulatory obligation or ongoing legal proceedings
- Protection and defence of user or Website rights and goods
- Emergency situation in which the personal protection of Oli & Ely, its affiliates, agents or users is affected
Intellectual Property
References made and contained on this site are the intellectual property of Oli & Ely. Reproduction in whole or in part of this site on any other medium is prohibited without the express permission of Oli & Ely.
User may solely use the information contained on this site for personal use. Reproduction in whole or in part of said information on paper is for personal use only. Said information is not to be copied, distributed or transmitted to third parties nor may it be inserted in a document or other medium.